Monday, March 5, 2012

B.C. Long-term Disability Law Blog beginning March 5 2012

The B.C. Long-term Disability Blog is a live, interactive guide to legal decisions, texts and articles about claims for long-term disability benefits both private and public. A must-have search tool for prospective plaintiffs/claimants, who are invited to post questions and comments. Includes tips on how to find a disability/personal injury lawyer with experience winning on similar facts. Biblitz will do it for you, if you like. How to search your facts at the appropriate tribunal so you can set expectations accordingly. Why it's better to lawyer-up early in the claims process and how to manage your interest in a contingency fee contract in which lawyer only gets paid if s/he wins.


  1. The best - bar none! - overview of legal hurdles involved in a long-term disability claim - Legal Aspects of Disability - Hugh R. Scher -

    Note the competing interests and duties of insurer and various medical experts.

  2. - R. v. Walcott, 2011 BCPC 101 (CanLII) - a very rare example of a B.C. court actually finding criminal fraud - in this case provincial disability benefits when accused somehow had sufficient funds to purchase a single-family dwelling in Coquitlam, B.C. - a nice place, too - 3169 Sechelt Dr. Check it out at Google Maps.

  3. Feb. 28/13 - Actively pursuing the credit insurance protection scam the UK refers to as 'mis-selling' on the part of banks. The question is, have Canadian banks been selling insurance never intended to provide claimants with coverage? It sure looks that way. More about this at the top post here:
