Monday, March 5, 2012

Advancing Education

Advancing Education is an interactive log of issues, news stories, reviews, such as the 34-page report on the B.C. Teachers Federation (BCTF) by Victoria lawyer Don Avison, scholarly texts, commentary and legal decisions about all aspects of education in British Columbia - sometimes beyond.


  1. Victoria lawyer Don Avision, author of the very damaging 34-page report on B.C. teachers, is tagged in an excellent blog by Noah Sarna tracking developments since the report, including the establishment of a new advisory council to take over complaints and discipline. See

    'Education Minister George Abbott introduced (BC Government) new legislation last week that will change the certification and regulation of teachers.

    Here (BC Legislature) is a link to Bill 12, the “Teachers Act”, which will replace the Teaching Profession Act (BCLaws). Here is a summary of Bill 12 from Harris & Company. Here is a link to the BCTF’s response. Finally, here (Vancouver Sun) is coverage from Janet Steffenhagen, which provides more of the back story and general picture.

    According to the government’s press release, the changes are a response to the concerns raised in Don Avison’s report (BC Ministry of Education). At the centre of the change is the BC College of Teachers, which will be dissolved and replaced with a different body.' (Accessed online March 6/12).

  2. World's most-wanted pedophile is a former B.C. teacher -
